Burnham Road, Owston Ferry, Doncaster, DN9 1AY


01427 728258

St Martin's

Church of England Primary Academy


Leave During Term Time

Please be aware that unauthorised absences can lead to Penalty Notices being issued which are per adult per child, in some cases, if the penalty does not act as a deterrent, prosecution proceedings may be considered.

In September 2013 there was an amendment to the Education, pupil registrations which prohibit the Head Teacher granting leave of absence for pupils during term time, if an application is made in advance (minimum 2 weeks notice) and there are exceptional circumstances this may be taken into account.

Please also consider that during the 2nd and 3rd week of May the children in year 2 and year 6 will be taking their SATS.

Education Inclusion Service is available to speak to regarding this on: 01724 297502.


Term Dates 2024 / 2025

North Lincs Council Every Minute Counts! - Penalty Notices - Information for Parents.