Burnham Road, Owston Ferry, Doncaster, DN9 1AY


01427 728258

St Martin's

Church of England Primary Academy


At  St Martin's Church of England Primary Academy, we are proud to have a close and long-standing relationship with St Martin's Church, which plays a vital role in our school community. Our partnership with the church helps to enrich the spiritual and educational experience of our students, providing them with opportunities to grow in their faith and deepen their understanding of religious teachings.

Regular Church Visits

We believe that it is important for students to experience worship in a real-life setting. Throughout the year, students regularly visit St Martin's Church for special services, including those marking significant events in the Christian calendar, such as Harvest Festival, Christmas, Easter, and Remembrance Day. These visits allow our students to connect with the traditions of the church and participate in meaningful acts of worship within the community.

Educational Trips for Religious Education (R.E.)

Our close relationship with St Martin's Church also enhances our Religious Education curriculum. Students participate in educational trips to the church, where they can explore its history, architecture, and significance as a place of worship. These visits help bring the teachings of Christianity to life and provide students with a deeper understanding of Christian beliefs, traditions, and the role of the church in society.

Worships Led by the Reverend

 Reverend M, Zammit  regularly leads school worships, providing a spiritual focal point for our school community. These worships offer students the opportunity to reflect, pray, and engage with biblical teachings. The Reverend also visits the school for special assemblies, where students can ask questions and learn more about the Christian faith. Through these experiences, students gain insight into the values of love, kindness, and community, which are central to the teachings of Christianity.

A Partnership Built on Faith and Community

The relationship between St Martin's  and St Martin's Church is not only about religious education but also about fostering a sense of community and shared values. We are grateful for the ongoing support and guidance provided by the church and look forward to continuing this meaningful partnership for many years to come.