Academy Monitoring Committees
Academy Champions (AC’s) are governance volunteers who form the Academy Monitoring Committee (AMC) under the guidance of the AMC Chairs. They work collaboratively with the Central Team to provide an overview of school performance to the Trustees who have responsibility for all academies within the Trust. The Academy Champions are members of the local community, parents and in Church School members of the clergy.
All Academy Champions have a role in monitoring and reporting on key aspects of the academy’s work as developed alongside the Central Team. In addition to this, they are encouraged to complete informal visits to their academy, support and promote the academy's activity in the community and make suggestions to further improve the Governance model.
Key Roles:
- AMC Chair-including Headteacher Well-being
- Additional Funding- Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, SEND & Additional Grants
- H&S/Premises
- Safeguarding
- Stakeholder Engagement-pupils, staff and community including Church School Distinctiveness

Staff Champions
The Staff Champion role was new for IAT for the 2022/23 academic year. Staff Champions are not part of the AMC's due to the monitoring roles that AMC's have to undertake. Instead they act as a separate group.
Feedback from staff is crucial in the development of our academies and the Trust. To this end, Infinity work closely with Staff Champions from each academy. Staff Champions meet as a group with the CEO at three points during the year. They have the opportunity to reflect on key areas including:
- Staff Well-being
- Professional Development
- Trust/School Ethos & Culture
- Workload
- Wider educational issues